The shcodec Home Page
shcodec is order-0 32-bit canonical static huffman codec. It encodes an alphabet of 256 symbols with minimum-redundancy or length-restricted codes (basic method: Alistair Moffat and Jyrki Katajainen, modified by Artur A. Pessoa). shcodec uses efficient method for tree packing: on text files packed tree size is approx 68 bytes, on binary files this value is about 132 bytes. Memory requirements are very small: 1280 bytes for encoding and only 574 bytes for decoding! shcodec uses extremely fast and simple SHIFT-OR method for encoding, and CANONICAL-DECODE with a cache for small codewords for decoding.
Update: Alexander has added SH-SFX to the web page - a program for creating Win32 SFXs from files compressed with shcodec.