Benchmark Images and Files
David Cary is a major link farmer. One of the sections of his massive Data Compression page has links to various images and files that are used in various benchmarks.
EasyX Video Converter
This shareware Win32 program can convert video files between various formats, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG w/VCD extensions, and more.
Version 1.10 is shipping as of April, 2003.
This is an open source Digital Video Recorder that aims to turn your Linux system into a TiVo equivalent. This is an ambitious project which has already built up a nice feature list. A huge wish list of features-in-waiting is ready for any developers willing to step into the breach.
Version 1.3.2 is shipping as of April, 2003.
Extended Application of Suffix Trees to Data Compression
By Jesper Larsson, Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference 1996. Hey Jesper, how about putting a PDF version on line?
The Context Trees of Block Sorting Compression
By Jesper Larsson. Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference 1998, PDF version of the paper.
Attack of the Mutant Suffix Trees
By Jesper Larsson. Published in Proceedings of the IEEE Data Compression Conference 1998, a PDF version of the paper.
Notes on Suffix Sorting
by Jesper Larsson. Technical report. LU-CS-TR:98-204, LUNFD6/(NFCS-3134)/1-6/(1998). A PDF version of the paper.
Suffix Trees on Words
By Jesper Larsson, Arne Andersson and Kurt Swanson. Technical report. LU-CS-TR:95-158, LUNFD6/(NFCS-3107)/1-14/(1995). Early version of a paper published in Proceedings of the 7th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching 1996; to appear in Algotrithmica
Jesper Larsson’s Research Links
I am a graduate student (doktorand) in algorithms and data structures at the Department of Computer Science at Lund University. Special interests are text searching and data compression.
I use the links on this page to papers, but don’t index the page itself
Easy Way to Read/Write Zip-Compatible Files Under MFC
Larry Leonard has created this CodeProject article with the goal of making it super easy to read and write Zip files from your MFC project. There are some limitations to this project, such as a limit of one file per archive, no disk spanning, and no encryption, but he has definitely made it easy to use. Three lines of code and you’re done!
MP3 Splitter & Joiner
An MP3 editor, lets you split and join MP3 files, as well as creating or modifying ID3 tags.
Version 2.40 shipped in April, 2003.
DVD Boy Player
Your basic Windows media player. DVD Boy Player plays DVDs as well as SVCD, DivX, and MPEG-4 files.
Version 2.1 is shipping as of April, 2003.
LZW Patent Expiration
Drew Scott Daniels was attempting to find out when
all the LZW patents all over the world were
going to expire. This is not as easy as you might think!
Drew was kind enough to forward links to the message
boards where the question was posted. To follow the thread,
go to the bottom of the page and click on the Next
by thread link.
ABC - Advanced Blocksorting Compressor
ABC is a free data compression program based on the Burrows-Wheeler transformation. The source code is free for academic, research and educational use as depicted in the Abel Public License (APL). The program is developed in DELPHI as a command line program just like GZIP.
Update: Jürgen has released the source code for ABC at long last! The Delphi source is available for download from the web site and can be used under his own APL.
Apple’s AAC Site
QuickTime 6 was an early adopter of MPEG-4 technology, and they seem to be big believers in the standard. This is in contrast to Microsoft’s Windows Media 9, which uses proprietary codecs to compete with the open standards of MPEG-4. The MPEG-4 standard uses AAC for encoding audio, and Apple has a site
with a few links and information about this audio encoder. Alas, they
don’t have a date when AAC will be included in the iPod!
Image & Video Quality Assessment at LIVE
The folks at LIVE conducted a subjective test of images at various compression levels, and have made the results available here. The images and results are both available here.
Redistributing Windows Media 9 Series Components
The rules from Microsoft on what you can and can’t distribute from Windows Media 9.
Jesper Larsson
Jesper Larsson spent a fair amount of his years in academia
studying Suffix Trees. His home page has links to his thesis and a few other papers on suffix trees and other string matching/Data Compression topics.
This product compresses your web pages using the gzip format, which is readable by virtually every modern browser. Compressing the pages this way can do a lot to improve your page loading times.
Version 2.0 is shipping in April, 2003. - C/C++ Random Numbers
Links to code and tools to create random numbers. Quite useful, and includes some intriguing use of sound cards to provide true (instead of psuedo-random) numbers. Registration required.
SlipStream Internet Acceleration
SlipStream Data, using our patented proprietary data compression algorithm, provides Service Providers and Corporations with solutions that reduce bandwidth and increase the speed of Internet access using dial-up and wireless connections.
Version 3.0 of SlipStream is shipping in May, 2003.
This is an Open Source Linux project that lets you create SVCDs from AVI or MPEG input. It provides a nice GUI front end all the way through the process, including burning the CD.
CodeProject archiver - targets files and/or Win32 resources
This CodeProject article presents an archiver that moves files in and out of an archive, and will extract from resources as well. It doesn’t support the standard Zip format, and in a blinding flash of frankness, the author says The code is crap but it works and I couldn’t find it done anywhere else.
HTMLCompact is a commercial program that squeezes your HTML pages, giving you faster downloads and increased user retention. It appears that this is done using some sort of compression that is executed in JavaScript.
Version 2.0 of this product is shipping as of August, 2003.
Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov
This site is dedicated to the Centennial of Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, a leading light in the field of complexity. The site contains the information for a conference being held in his honor in Moscow during June, 2003.
CodeProject: Compress Data
A new article on The CodeProject describing code to compress/decompress to/from an ISequentialStream interface. Code is supplied to implement this for Cfile and CByteArray. The compression itself is done via zlib. The rationale for this project is that the author needed cookbook code that worked with MFC objects.
MagicEyes MMSP-2
The MMSP-2 chip has been developed by MagicEyes for use in consumer products. It can decode MPEG-1, -2, and -4 as well as various audio codecs. While you’re asking, yes, it has an LCD controller, a Poly Wavetable sound synthesizer, and more.
ZIP archive file format
Marco Schmidt has assembled a nice page of links and information on the Zip archive format. A few good links, but this isn’t the comprehensive guide you need to answer any question about the format.
Zip Assistant
Zip Assistant is a vanilla Win32 archive program, which appears to be slanted towards the novice user who might need a bit of handholding. The web page does say that advanced users will appreciate some features as well, and the feature list does include disk spanning, SFX files, and more.
Version 4.6 is shipping as of April, 2003.
C Library to search over compressed texts
A team from the University of Pisa in Italy have created a set of two libraries to demonstrate the ability to perform searches in compressed text. The code is packaged as two LGPL libraries: HuffwLib and CGrepLib, and sample programs are available on the site for demonstration purposes.