data compression link collection

Controlling Winamp2/3/Sonique Programmatically

A description of how to control WinAmp from an external program. As a bonus, the techniques work for Sonique 1.x as well. Daniel Bright seems to have come up with this totally via reverse engineering.


Posted in March 27th, 2003


PipeBoost offers HTTP Compression software that comes with a big list of customers and testimonials. You can download a 30 day trial copy, so you have nothing to lose!


Posted in March 27th, 2003

performance: HTTP Compression

An article on the Mozilla web site that talks about improving perceived performance via HTTP compression. This article looks at implementation on the Apache server.


Posted in March 27th, 2003

Chaotic Compression?

Kevin Short at the University of New Hampshire has created a company called Chaoticom that is raising money to develop his new idea called Chaotic Compression Technology. Until we see some papers, algorithms, or products this is going to have to be categorized as an Incredible Claim.


Posted in March 27th, 2003

BrowseBlast Web Accelerator

The press release says: Ikano and SlipStream launched the BrowseBlast Internet service for U.S. consumers. SlipStream’s Web Accelerator is supposed to increase connection speed significantly for dial-up and wireless connections. The software compresses Web content once it leaves the server, increasing browsing speeds to five times the traditional dial-up or wireless speed.

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Posted in March 27th, 2003


The author of this program, Philippe Laval, says You are looking for an application to encode your sound files in MP3, DropMP3 is done for you.. The program runs on MacOS, uses the LAME encoder, and is released under the GPL. Note that the web page is more or less duplicated in English and French.

Version 1.0.6 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 26th, 2003

Expand Networks

Expand makes a series of Network Accelerators. These are black boxes that perform lossless compression on packets being shipped across our WAN. Lots of competition in this area, so companies like Expand depend on innovative and proprietary techniques to give them an edge.

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Posted in March 26th, 2003


A DirectShow filter which will allow you to play AVI files containing AC3 encoded audio. A nice stream of releases with steady improvement.

Version 0.66b is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 26th, 2003

What’s New In Math - October, 2002 - Compression Codes and Technologies

The American Mathematical Society runs a monthly column called ‘What’s New In Math,” featuring topics of general interest to their readers. In October 2002, the topic was data compression, which led to a fairly lengthy column with many, many references. Good reading!


Posted in March 23rd, 2003

Michael Walden’s Compression Pointers

A comprehensive set of compression pointers. Unfortunately, Michael is using some sort of software that makes bookmarking into his index impossible. So instead, you must link to the main page, shown here, and locate the links to “Data Compression”. Under that he has links to General Resources, Software, and Theory.


Posted in March 23rd, 2003

Improvements to the Burrows-Wheeler Compression Algorithm: After BWT Stages

This preprint of Jürgen Abel gives a short introduction into the BWCA field and proposes several improvements for the WFC stage and the IF stage.
It further introduces a new RLE scheme for bypassing the run length
information around the WFC stage. The paper is the basis of the
BWCA program ABC and the revealed approach achieves a
compression rate of 2.238 bps, which is the best result for a pure
BWCA without any preprocessing before the BWT to date (March 2003).

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Posted in March 22nd, 2003

Bob Crispen’s Port of Zlib to lcc

Win-GZ is built for the Win32 environment using Jacob Navia’s lcc-Win32. The zip file referenced here contains the modifications needed to get zlib to build under this environment.


Posted in March 22nd, 2003

JPEG to MJPEG-AVI converter

This Open Source Linux project does one thing and one thing only: it converts a series of JPEG files to an AVI MJPEG file. On the SourceForge tracking system this project is labeled as being Beta, but it is up to release 1.2, so I’m guessing this is no longer the case.

Version 1.2 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 22nd, 2003

David Weekly’s MP3 Stream Code Snippet

David posted this C code with the following comment: I have no idea if this is useful to folks, but since I had to beat my head against the silly Microsoft APIs for quite some time to get a useable result, I thought it might be helpful to post this little snippet showing you how to find an ACM decoder for MP3s, intiialize it, and use it to decode streaming MP3 buffers.

Reader Simon commented: Need to do some type casting when compiling with Visual C++ 6.0 as well as linking with msacm32.lib..

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Posted in March 22nd, 2003

Roger Walker’s DOS Port of mpg123

This mp3 player uses the DJGPP C compiler to port the MPG123 player to MS-DOS. Binaries and source available. Version 3.0 appears to have been worked on in 2002, but no history file seems to be available.


Posted in March 22nd, 2003


Bob Crispen has created a GUI wrapper for Gzip so that Win32 users can take advantage of this fine piece of free software. Naturally, Win-GZ is free as well.

Version 1.2 shipped in March of 2003.


Posted in March 22nd, 2003

MINC Lossless Digital Data Compression System

Back in 1998 I heard from a poor soul who was being encouraged to put some money into the Premier America, makers of the MINC Compression System. Seeing that MINC promised an iterative compression system that guaranteed any ratio you cared to dial in, I encouraged him to run, not walk, away from this opportunity. This led to an email conversation with someone from the company, assuring me that they would have a real product on the market quite soon now.

I haven’t heard a peep out of Premier America since then, so hopefully they have stopped raising funds for their unlikely system. Fortunately, a good soul named Chez DuLac has preserved MINC’s manifesto on his web site, along with his reasoned rebuttal.


Posted in March 21st, 2003

Context Tree Weighting

Context Tree Weighting (CTW) has been a technique with great promise, but it hasn’t ever been able to reach the critical mass needed to become more than a curiousity. Jürgen Abel is doing his best to overcome that problem. He’s created a nice reference page for CTW on his web site. He has references to a few papers, a few people, and one piece of source code.

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Posted in March 21st, 2003

Introduction to Wavelets for Image Compression

Aleks Jakulin has created a tutorial that will walk you through the necessary steps to compress images using a wavelet transform. The steps in the process are illustrated using Mathematica code. This page goes beyond a basic tutorial in that it shows a proposal to improve image rendering by adding noise.


Posted in March 21st, 2003

Arithmetic Coding

Published in Links, Arithmetic Coding

The NIST page on arithmetic coding from their Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures. A terse definition and a couple of links.


Posted in March 21st, 2003

Digital Photography from Agfa

A complete short course on digital photography from Agfa. It shows up here because Lesson 6 is on The Right Compression. You get a discussion of various formats, including GIF, JPEG, JPEG2K, and PNG. Best of all, it looks like the entire page is available in English, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.


Posted in March 21st, 2003

RIP Vinyl by Wieser Software Ltd

Ripping CDs to MP3 format is pretty easy - the CD format lets the ripping program know when one track ends and another beings. Not true for old-schoo vinyl records, and that’s where RIP Vinyl wants to make a difference. It attempts to partition your input into tracks by looking for the gap between songs. Naturally, it has many other options, and will record directly to MP3 format. The program gives you control over the level sampling begins at, and the minimum amount of time that must elapse between tracks, and can record from any audio source on your PC.

No version information seems to be available on the web site.


Posted in March 21st, 2003


This program has a novel approach to the distribution of MP3 files. Instead of just shipping MP3 files around, the folks at EXEmp3 propose packaging the MP3 file with a mini-player executable, as well as a copy of the song’s lyrics. The player only takes up 48K under Windows, and you can unpack the original MP3 file if you like.

Version 1.3 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 21st, 2003

Verlustlose Datenkompression auf Grundlage der Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation

This is a preprint of a paper by Jürgen Abel describing the functionality
of a basic but quite fast Burrows-Wheeler compressor. Jürgen reports that this will be published in PIK, a German-language journal on Communications and Information Theory.

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Posted in March 21st, 2003

Compressed Image File Formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, XBM, BMP by John Miano

“Compressed Image File Formats is an appealingly compact and useful guide to some of today’s most popular file formats used for image data. For any programmer who needs to know how images are stored, this concise reference can serve as a really invaluable resource.”
Note that the source code for this book includes an independent implementation of a PNG codec, which may be one of a kind. Link to the source code on this page.

Please use
this link to purchase the book through Your purchase will help support this web site.

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Posted in March 21st, 2003

The AVI Graphics Format Overview

Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about AVI format files.


Posted in March 21st, 2003

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

The whole contents of the journal, dating back to 1953. If only you were a member of the society, you could read all these great papers.


Posted in March 21st, 2003


PhotoNav is a commercial optimized mega-image navigator system based on JPEG-2000. An alpha version of the PhotoNav client is now available for Palm handhelds. This software lets you browse JPEG-2000 images on your PDA.


Posted in March 20th, 2003

Published in Commercial Programs, Zip makes versions of PKZip for various IBM environments, including VM and AS/400.


Posted in March 20th, 2003

Poynton’s Color FAQ

This document clarifies aspects of colour specification and image coding that are important to computer graphics, image processing, video, and the transfer of digital images to print.


Posted in March 20th, 2003