data compression link collection


From the SourceForge development page for DJWrap: The DJWrap format is an effort to create an open format for combining several MPEG audio streams into one, without losing information about the original files and without disturbing the stream with erroneous or misplaced data.

Version 0.9.2 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 19th, 2003


MMPlayer is a Mobile Media Player for the Palm OS. It supports a wide variety of audio formats, including Windows Media, MP3, Ogg and WAV. Video isn’t supported in the current release, but is anticipated as part of MMPlayer 2.0.


Posted in March 19th, 2003

Burrows-Wheeler Transformation / Block Sorting (BWT)

Jürgen Abel has done an enormous amount of research on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform, and has published the results on his web site. On this page you will find:

  • A summary of this compression technique.
  • Links to over 70 online papers.
  • Links to at least that many people involved in BWT research or development.
  • Extensive links to BWT source code.

This web page may now be the definitive source of information for this field.

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Posted in March 18th, 2003

Introduction to MrSID

MrSID is a wavelet-based image format that seems to be pretty popular for people creating mapping databases (which tend to be huge.) This page has a nice little explanation, provided for you courtesy of the state of Massachusetts. MrSID is a proprietary format owned by LizardTech.


Posted in March 18th, 2003

Contributions à la compression de données

Steven Pigeon’s Ph. D Thesis from the University of Montreal. Proposes a new set of universal codes, which he dubs taboo codes, as well as new optimization algorithms for (Start, Step, Stop) codes. Plus lossy variations on LZW.


Posted in March 17th, 2003

Optimizing Microsoft Windows Media Services 9 Series

An article from Microsoft giving you the lowdown on the best way to use all the tools shipping with Windows Media 9. This includes basic guidelines on setting up a streaming media system, comparison to Media Services 4.1, locations of bottlenecks, performance evaluation, and advanced tuning tips.


Posted in March 17th, 2003

Windows Media Metadata Usage Guidelines

Digital media needs metadata to be supremely useful. For example, wouldn’t it be nice if your CD player showed you artist, album, and track information while it was playing a song? MP3 tracks have ID3 tags to supply this information, but naturally, Microsoft has created an extensive set of APIs for embedding metadata in all types of media. This article will bring you up to speed on metadata support for media encoding, playback, and more.


Posted in March 17th, 2003

Lempel-Ziv Welch - NIST Reference Page

The National Insitute of Standards and Techology reference page on LZW compression. Pointers to an explanation, implementation, and more information.


Posted in March 17th, 2003

Filip Rooms

Filip is interested in wavelets and image restoration. In addition to a nice page of links (navigate from the main page) he has some software, publications, test results, and more.


Posted in March 17th, 2003

Jocsoft - MP3 For Developers

Published in Links, MP3/MPEG Audio

Jocsoft makes some software products used for searching the web, and one of those is designed to search for MP3 files. As a result, they decided to include a nice page of MP3 links for developers on their web page. It’s a little dated, with a high ratio of dead links, but still worth a look if you’re an MP3 afficionado.


Posted in March 16th, 2003


The EasyAudio ActiveX Control adds speech handling capabilities to your Win32 program. Listed features include nice things such as support for popular codecs including G.729, G.711, and ADPCM, unicast and multicast support, AGC, jitter buffer management, and noise reduction. The web page gives a price of $1000 for the control, and $2000 for the source code. I hope that big price tag includes free distribution rights, but the web site is woefully short on license information.

Version 3.0 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 16th, 2003

Easy Video

The EasyVideo ActiveX control lets you integrate real-time video into any Win32 app that can host an ActiveX control. Video features supported include video capture, transmission, compression, and decompression, using standard Windows codecs as well as MPEG-4. Additional niceties include multicast support and bandwidth adjustment.

Version 3.0 is shipping in March, 2003.


Posted in March 16th, 2003


mp3record is a command-line utility for recording any audio (system mixer, input, mic, etc.) directly to an mp3 file on a linux system. It can run for a set interval and shut itself off. Ideal uses for this script would be recording streams, meetings, etc.

Release 1.3 is shipping in March, 2003.


Posted in March 15th, 2003

Binary Tree Predictive Coding

John Robinson’s page on BTPC, which includes documentation, samples, links, and source. BTPC is designed to do both lossy and lossless compression of images.

John updated this package to version 5 in March, 2003.


Posted in March 13th, 2003

Canonical Huffman Coder Construction

The first time I ever heard the phrase Canonical Huffman Coder was in reference to the technique used in PKZip to store Huffman tables. I don’t know where the technique originated, but it is basically a way to construct a Huffman table so that the actual codes don’t have to be stored when storing the table. This makes for some nice space savings when compared to a first-pass naïve implementation. (Like the ones I’ve done in the past.)

It turns out that somebody named Gareth was attempting to implement this code but was having a bit of trouble. His post to comp.compression brought out some useful help from some of the newsgroup regulars, and did a lot to shed light on the topic, and includes a reference to the paper that actually gave birth to the concept.

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Posted in March 13th, 2003

Waver Multiprocessor WAV and MP3 converter

Waver is a program that can convert back and forth between MP3 and WAV formats, using the Blade and LAME MP3 codecs. This product’s claim to fame is its ability to soak up all the cycles on more than one CPU simultaneously. So if you’re lucky enough to have a multi-CPU MOBO, you can go to town with this commercial product. You get a 30-day free trial to decide if it’s worth the price.


Posted in March 13th, 2003

CRC Pointers

Somebody posting as thewhizkid complained to the comp.compression newsgroup that he just couldn’t figure out how to do a CRC calculation. He got a couple of good pointers here, including one to the zlib code, and another including a bit of Java that could do the job. I’ll add a pointer to my ancient-but-still-cogent article from DDJ,

File Verification Using CRC
to the mix. Between the three choices, I hope the poster was able to get a handle on the mysterious CRC.


Posted in March 12th, 2003

Ace Media Player

Ace Media Player supports an impressive list of media types, including Real, MPEG, DivX, QuickTime, VCD, WMF, and of course, MP3. This is a commercial product, but you can get a 30 day eval copy.

Version 2.2 of Ace Media Player shipped in March of 2003.


Posted in March 11th, 2003


Another company determined to swim upstream with a commercial media player. Although in this case, jetAudio Basic is free, jetAudio Plus is the the commercial product. You’ll pay for the upgrade if you decide you need support for creating MP3 and MP3Pro files, broadcasting MP3 files, and converting files to MP3 or MP3Pro.

jetAudio has a nice looking UI with some alternative skins. Version 5.01 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 11th, 2003

A Memory-Efficient Huffman Adaptive Coding Algorithm for Very Large Sets of Symbols

This paper describes an adaptive Huffman scheme that is designed to work with large numbers of symbols - at least that’s what the abstract says. The web page indicates that there are executables in the archive, but all I see is a Word document.


Posted in March 10th, 2003

Power WMA Recorder

Power WMA Recorder is a program that can create WMA files from any available sound source directly without using any additional disk space. In addition to supporting Microsoft’s WMA format (including the variable bit rate option), Power WMA Recorder can encode directly to MP3 format.

Version 1.34 is shipping in March, 2003.


Posted in March 8th, 2003

Archiving Encrypting Tiny File Splitter

Oleg Z. has created this program to to split, encrypt with your own unique key, compress and restore to original state large files of any type. The author says the program has an intuitive GUI, and works on most Win32 platforms.

Version shipped on March 6, 2003.


Posted in March 8th, 2003

Steven Pigeon’s Phasing In Codes

Coding integers of an arbitrary length is an interesting problem. Steven Pigeon discusses a way to code integers in a very efficient manner, which approaches the optimal Log2(n) value.


Posted in March 7th, 2003

Why Can’t One Image Coder Rule?

Alex Ng posed the question on comp.compression: “In general, you cannot have one image coder can compress well for ALL
images. Why?”

This set off a lively and somewhat useful discussion, with lots of thoughtful posts from Thomas Richter and others. Always good to find some intelligent thought on the compression newsgroup.


Posted in March 7th, 2003

EZ Transcoder

Published in Video

EZ Transcoder is a wrapper for three pass encoding with mencode designed specifically for transcoding existing MPEG2 files (such as those captured by a TV Capture card) to DivX/MPEG4 format. It is currently a perl console app.

EZ Transcoder 0.2 shipped in March, 2003.


Posted in March 7th, 2003


ezConverter is a program that is designed to make it easy to convert your audio files between various formats. Converts between WMA, MP3, MPEG, and many more formats. ezConverter also takes input directly from your sound card, allowing you to record from analog inputs or from the output of other programs. The publisher advertises it as fast and easy. You can download a trial version from the web site, but registration is going to set you back roughly $US 25.

Version 1.1 was shipping as of March, 2003.

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Posted in March 6th, 2003

Xbox Media Player

Your Microsoft Xbox is a great gaming platform, but it also has the capability to do much more. What a bargain it would be if you could use it as a digital media player, serving up MP3 files across the network, perhaps with nice videos on the high-definition outputs. All this becomes possible with just two things. First, you need to get a copy of the free Xbox Media Player, which lets you play DVDs, Internet Radio, MP3 files, etc. Second, the hard part: you need to get an Xbox Modchip, which lets you bypass Microsoft’s security restrictions and do as you please with your hard-purchased computer.

Version 2.3 is shipping as of February 15, 2003.

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Posted in March 6th, 2003


Enbaya makes a product called ProGATE that is used to compress 3D graphics and animations for game developers.


Posted in March 5th, 2003

FairStars Recorder

This Win32 program is designed to work directly with your sound card, allowing you to record audio from virtually any source and any program. It makes it into because it will encode directly to MP3 format.

Version 1.05 is shipping as of March, 2003.


Posted in March 5th, 2003

Miliki Super Compressor Professional

This product is advertised as a revolutionary compression package from QuickCAT Technologies. It comes in two versions: a Pro package that compresses documents and images, and a Basic version that compresses only images.

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Posted in February 28th, 2003